Now bigger than ever in Boston — where the "Car is no longer the king" — bicycling is a hot topic in and outside the city. Be part of the #BostonTalks happy hour by tweeting with us! Cambridge Hubway and Transportation Program Manager **Cara Seiderman** will discuss the popularity of cycling and bike sharing — the new way to get around. Co-Founder and CEO, **Slava Menn**, as well as Co-Founder and CRO **Tivan Amour**, tell the story of how Fortified Bicycle got their start. The founder of the bike tourism company Bikabout, **Megan Ramey**, will share why she believes biking is the best way to see a city and help its economy. Join Cara, Slava, Tivan, and Megan for an in-depth look at the bicycle revolution. Stay in touch with WGBH to hear about upcoming Boston Talks. » [Become a WGBH member.]( "") (Photo: [Wikimedia]( ""))
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