WGBH's Edgar B. Herwick, III (@ebherwick3) hosts a happy hour conversation with four very different experts in risk. Noah Wilson-Rich (@BestBees), co-founder of the Best Bees Company, discusses his work as a beekeeper and how he risks working with them to keep the pollinators—and their honey—in our lives. Tanya Hoke, Managing Director at Galen Diligence (@TanyaH), tells us about her decade-long investigation into the cannabis industry. Moran Cerf, a professor of Neuroscience and Business at the Kellogg School of Management and the LIJ department of Neurosurgery, discusses his experience as a computer hacker and teaches us what he has learned as he now studies the brain. Jeff Rogers (@professorjgrey), a freelance producer and consultant, talks about his experience working with young people who have severe emotional issues. He incorporates creativity and music into his job as a mentor to struggling youth. Photo Credit: A Syn/[Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/24293932@N00/530211480 "RISK AWR WC T7L LosAngeles Graffiti Art")
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