Pulitzer Prize winner **Taylor Branch** discusses the final years of Martin Luther King Jr's life, when King and America stood "at Canaan's edge." In the third and final volume of his three-part biography of Martin Luther King, Jr., _At Canaan's Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-1968_, Branch paints a vivid picture of American society in the mid-20th century. As the war in Viet Nam and social unrest at home began to fray the nation's optimism and faith in the future, King sought to expand the Civil Rights Movement into protests of the war and calls for broader social and economic justice. Within a few short years, his commanding and prophetic voice was silenced. (Photo: [Wikipedia Commons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Civil_Rights_March_on_Washington,_D.C._(Dr._Martin_Luther_King,_Jr._and_Mathew_Ahmann_in_a_crowd.)_-_NARA_-_542015.tif ""))
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