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Life Saves the Planet

Arctic Meltdown: Why it matters to us

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Date and time
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Does it seem as though the weather gods have gone crazy lately? It is not your imagination. The question on everyone's minds is why, and is it related to climate change? Dr. Jennifer Francis, an atmospheric scientist studying Arctic weather and climate, will explain how increasing extreme weather events are connected with the rapidly warming and melting Arctic during recent decades. Dr. Francis is joined in conversation by Dr. Heather Goldstone, journalist and scientist overseeing Woodwell Climate Research Center's communications. The two will discuss the evidence that suggests how Arctic warming is causing weather patterns to become more persistent, which can lead to extremes such as prolonged droughts, cold spells, heat waves, snowy winters, and flooding events. This talk is part of the Life Saves the Planet lecture series. More info: https://bio4climate.org/

Dr. Jennifer Francis’ interest in Arctic weather and climate was sparked by a summer spent sailing near Svalbard in her 20s. Throughout her career, she has pioneered the use of satellite data to understand the dramatic changes taking place in the Arctic, and how disproportionate warming there is affecting temperate regions on Earth—where billions of people live. Her groundbreaking work suggests that rapid Arctic warming may be linked to shifting weather patterns in North America and Eurasia, driving more persistent weather regimes that can generate periods of extreme temperature and/or precipitation.
Adam has had careers in education, holistic medicine, computer technology, politics and advocacy. For five years he directed a non-profit that worked with communities invoking basic democratic and constitutional principles to oppose detrimental local corporate activity. He has been a climate activist since 1999 and has been studying and writing about Holistic Management since 2007. He holds an Ed.D. from the University of Massachusetts and an N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor) from Bastyr University. On the side he is an artist and writer. His primary goal is regeneration of biodiversity and a livable planet.