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An Evening with Pangyrus

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Date and time
Monday, August 29, 2016

A handful of authors featured in the second edition of Pangyrus, Boston's new literary journal, gathered for a summer night reading at the Harvard Book Store. [Pangyrus](http://www.pangyrus.com/about-us/ "About Pangyrus") is a new journal of literature, perspective, arts and politics. Combining "Pangea"—the world continent—and "gyrus"—the ridges of the cerebral cortex crucial to verbal association, Pangyrus is about connection. Pangyrus is a Boston-based group of writers, editors, and creative professionals with a new vision for how high-quality writing can thrive on the internet. They aim to foster a community of creative individuals and organizations dedicated to art, ideas, and making culture thrive. The journal is printed at the bookstore on [Paige](http://www.harvard.com/clubs_services/custom_printing/ ""), a print-on-demand book machine. (Photo: Pangyrus)

Anne Bernays, a novelist and writing teacher, is the author of eight novels, including *Professor Romeo* and *Growing Up Rich*, as well as two works of nonfiction, including *The Language of Names* written with Justin Kaplan and *What If?* written with Pamela Painter. Her articles and essays have appeared in numerous major publications, among them *The Nation*, *The New York Times*, *Town & Country*, and *Sports Illustrated*. She lives in Cambridge and Truro, Massachusetts with her husband, Justin Kaplan. They have three daughters and six grandchildren.
**Jonathan Escoffery’s** collection, If I Survive You, was a finalist for Prairie Schooner's 2016 Book Prize. His stories have been finalists for the Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction and the Waasnode Short Fiction Prize. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, The Caribbean Writer, Salt Hill Journal, Solstice, Pangyrus, and elsewhere. Jonathan is an instructor and the Program and Advocacy Manager at GrubStreet, the country’s leading independent creative writing center.
**Carrie Oeding’s** first book of poems, \_Our List of Solutions\_, is from 42 Miles Press. Her work has appeared in The Awl, Denver Quarterly, Pleiades, Columbia Poetry Review, and elsewhere.
**Shanoor Seervai** is an Indian writer and journalist. Her work has appeared in The \_Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast, Guernica Magazine, The Caravan,\_ and \_The Indian Express\_. Born and raised in Mumbai, she now lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she is pursuing an advanced degree in public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Jonathan Weinert is the author of Thirteen Small Apostrophes (Back Pages 2013), a chapbook, and In the Mode of Disappearance (Nightboat 2008) , winner of the Nightboat Poetry Prize. He is co-editor, with Kevin Prufer, of Until Everything Is Continuous Again: American Poets on the Recent Work of W.S. Merwin (WordFarm 2012). Jonathan received a 2012 artist’s fellowship from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Recent poems appear or will appear in Rattle, Plume, Unsplendid, Harvard Review, 32 Poems, and Copper Nickel. He lives in Stow, Massachusetts, with the poet Amy M. Clark and their son, Jonah.
**Greg Harris** was born in Boston and received his MFA in Creative Writing from Oregon State University. He has taught writing at Harvard University since 2003. Greg has been recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship and grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and Oregon’s Regional Arts and Culture Council. His audiorecording “Champion of Hot Peppers” won a 2001 National Parenting Publications Association Gold Medal for storytelling. His translation of Seno Gumira Ajidarma’s novel Jazz, Perfume, and the Incident was published as part of the Modern Library of Indonesia (2012).