Adam Pertman argues that adoption is changing the way we form our families, the way we perceive families, the importance of blood ties, how families are formed, what they look like and the way we perceive basic concepts of life like nature and nurture. According to Pertman, adoption is having a significant effect on helping us understand how our country is changing, how our lives are changing. [*Adoption: An American Revolution*]( is a major multimedia project that plans to explore how transformations taking place in adoption today are having far-reaching effects on all our public and private lives. The centerpiece of the project will be a two-hour documentary special for national public broadcasting. The documentary will feature a rich tapestry of original stories, illuminating the joys, the challenges and the impact of adoption. The television broadcast will be linked to an ambitious adoption education effort, with innovative adoption-related materials for public libraries and schools, a new Web site with adoption resources, and more.