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A Discussion on the History of The Black Church

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Monday, February 8, 2021

More than just a spiritual place, the Black Church in America is also the source of much of Black culture and the wellspring of political activism. The Church is the energy that fuels Black businesses and gave rise to Black educational institutions. The Church over centuries in America has given Black people a sense of value and belonging. Callie Crossley, host of Under the Radar with Callie Crossley, and Basic Black and GBH commentator, hosts a virtual conversation with a panel of distinguished scholars on the evolution of the Black church in Boston and the U.S., the role of women in the church over time and the political activism that has always had roots in the church community. This virtual live event expands upon themes presented in a new, upcoming documentary series by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. [**The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song **](https://www.pbs.org/show/black-church/) is a four-hour documentary exploring 400 years of the Black Church in America and its impact as a living institution within American culture. The series addresses the social, educational, financial, cultural and political role the Black Church has played in the lives of generations of African Americans. Major corporate support for the documentary series is provided by Johnson & Johnson. Major support is also provided by Lilly Endowment Inc., Ford Foundation, and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS and public television viewers.   ## Resources   [The Black Church: This is our Story, This is Our Song](https://www.pbs.org/show/black-church/) on PBS. Hear the latest episode of [Under the Radar with Callie Crossley](https://www.wgbh.org/news/under-the-radar-with-callie-crossley) Listen to the [All Rev'd Up Podcast](https://www.wgbh.org/podcast/all-revd-up) ["The Black Church and Hip Hop Culture—Toward Bridging the Generational Divide,"](http://www.emmettprice.com/documents/PressRelease-TheBlackChurchandHipHopCulture..pdf) Edited by Emmett G. Price III, January 2012 ["In the Key of Queer: Gospel music is a calling, a gift from Black LGBTQ musicians’ hearts and souls"](http://bostonspiritmagazine.com/2021/02/in-the-key-of-queer-gospel-music-is-a-calling-a-gift-from-black-lgbtq-musicians-hearts-and-souls/) by Rev. Irene Monroe. Feb. 7, 2021

Emmett G. Price III is one of the nation’s leading experts on Music of the African Diaspora, Christian Worship and the Black Christian Experience. Dr. Emmett G. Price III serves as Dean of Africana Studies at Berklee College of Music and Visiting Associate Professor of Music at Harvard University. Prior to his current post, Dr. Price served on the faculties of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (2016-2021) where he founded the Institute for the Study of the Black Christian Experience (ISBCE) and Northeastern University (2001-2016) where he served as chair of the Department of African American Studies (2008-2012). He has served as visiting professor at Boston University, Berklee College of Music, Andover Newton Theological School and Brandeis University. He has served as a guest lecturer at over 50 universities worldwide. Listen to Price's podcast with Rev. Dr. Irene Monroe → [All Rev'd Up.](https://www.wgbh.org/podcast/all-revd-up)
Rev. Irene Monroe is a syndicated religion columnist, and Boston voice for Detour’s African American Heritage Trail. Irene is currently a visiting researcher in the Religion and Conflict Transformational Program at Boston University’s School of Theology. Her writings have also appeared in Boston Herald and in the Boston Globe. Her award-winning essay, Louis Farrakhan's Ministry of Misogyny and Homophobia, was greeted with critical acclaim. Listen to Monroe's podcast with Rev. Dr. Emmett G. Price, III. → [All Rev'd Up.](https://www.wgbh.org/podcast/all-revd-up)
Dr. Yolanda Pierce is a professor and Dean of Howard University’s School of Divinity. She is the first woman to be appointed as Dean in the Divinity School’s 150-year history.
Dr. Theodore Hickman-Maynard, associate dean for Students and Community Life and assistant professor of Black Church Studies at Boston University. Dr. Hickman-Maynard’s research addresses the public witness of the church in contemporary American society with particular emphasis on the future of the Black Church tradition.