Step back in time to 1855 as Henry David Thoreau, the “Hermit of Walden Pond,” visits Old South Meeting House! Was noted Transcendentalist, abolitionist and naturalist Thoreau really a hermit? What did he think of Boston, where he regularly visited the Athenaeum? Get the answers to these and other questions as you visit with Mr. Thoreau, portrayed by historian **Richard Smith**. Mr. Thoreau reads selections from his writings, including Walden, and answers questions about his experiences in 19th-century Concord and Boston.
Richard Smith is an independent historian. For more than a decade he has been “becoming” Thoreau: dressing up in meticulous 19th-century regalia, reading his essays in front of crowds, fielding questions (in the first person) from the public, about the man’s personal life and politics.