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A Conversation with Henry David Thoreau

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Friday, October 24, 2014

Step back in time to 1855 as Henry David Thoreau, the “Hermit of Walden Pond,” visits Old South Meeting House! Was noted Transcendentalist, abolitionist and naturalist Thoreau really a hermit? What did he think of Boston, where he regularly visited the Athenaeum? Get the answers to these and other questions as you visit with Mr. Thoreau, portrayed by historian **Richard Smith**. Mr. Thoreau reads selections from his writings, including Walden, and answers questions about his experiences in 19th-century Concord and Boston.

Richard Smith is an independent historian. For more than a decade he has been “becoming” Thoreau: dressing up in meticulous 19th-century regalia, reading his essays in front of crowds, fielding questions (in the first person) from the public, about the man’s personal life and politics.