Celebrate Women's History Month with an evening of storytelling! Listen to the inspiring stories of women who have overcome obstacles through resilience and resourcefulness. Their adventures of love, hard work, and triumphs serve as testaments to women's tenacious spirit throughout history.
At Stories from the Stage, produced by GBH WORLD, ordinary people share extraordinary experiences that you will not soon forget. You’ll hear stories of love and loss, amazing adventures, incredible surprises and unexpected triumphs. In each taping, we get up-close and personal with storytellers about what inspires them and the craft of storytelling. Join us!
6:30pm Doors open to GBH's Atrium where snack and drinks are available for purchase
7:00pm Doors open to GBH's Calderwood Studio for seating
Note all onsite purchases will be credit card only.
Event registration is required. Seating is general admission.
The maximum capacity of this event is 160.
By RSVPing for this event, you agree to receive timely news and updates on events, films, and special offers from GBH.
Thank you to our sponsor,
University of Massachusetts Amherst
This event is also presented with support from
Liberty Mutual Insurance
This event will be filmed for TV. If you cannot attend, you can look for Stories from the Stage: Youth Rising when it airs on TV and online
Photo credit: Stories from the Stage