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Music & Culture

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Music & Culture Events

  • In Person
    GBH Music will introduce new listeners to opera in a video series produced in collaboration with Boston Lyric Opera (BLO) and New England Conservatory (NEC). Designed for newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts, “Getting into Opera” aims to ignite a passion for the genre by showcasing how powerful performances are shaped by vocal coaching and stage direction. The innovative multi-platform video series will be filmed in front of a live audience in GBH’s acoustically acclaimed Fraser Performance Studio.

    This event features renowned soprano Carol Vaness leading a masterclass for BLO Jane & Steven Emerging Artists and New England Conservatory students. By pulling back the curtain on how great vocal performances are made, the masterclass will draw in new opera lovers while delighting fans of the genre.

    “Getting into Opera” will be hosted by Anthony Rudel, author of “Tales from the Opera,” “Classical Music Top 40,” and “Imagining Don Giovanni.” Joshua Major, Chair of Opera Studies at NEC and Bradley Vernatter, BLO’s Stanford Calderwood General Director & CEO, will also share perspectives on producing operas as part of the series.

    “Getting into Opera” will be available free of charge on YouTube and other platforms.

    How it works:

    Event timeline:

    7-9:15pm Performance in Fraser

    9:15-10pm Dessert Reception in the Atrium

    This event is FREE but registration is required.

    Photo credit: GBH Creative

    BLO and NEC.png
  • Virtual
    Go beyond the page with acclaimed author Danzy Senna! Known for her works on race, gender, and American identity, Senna will talk about, her writing process, challenges, and more. She will answer your questions and will share insights into her new novel, Colored Television, which releases on September 3, 2024.

    Danzy Senna is the author of five works of fiction, including the bestselling Caucasia (set partly in Boston and Roxbury), New People, Symptomatic, and her forthcoming novel Colored Television, a collection of short stories, and a memoir. The recipient of numerous awards and honors, she teaches writing at the University of Southern California.

    GBH News' Phillip Martin will moderate the conversation.

    At Beyond the Page, we believe in the power of knowledge, the magic of stories, and the beauty of shared experiences. This event series features interactive sessions with renowned authors discussing their latest work and their writing process. Whether you're seeking profound discussions or heartfelt emotions, these events offer something truly special for everyone.

    This event offers two ticket options:
    Attend the event $0
    Attend the event + receive a SIGNED copy of Colored Television + GBH membership $60

    Please note that books will be shipped out following the event.

    This event is presented with support from our sponsor Liberty Mutual Insurance.
    Liberty Mutual Insurance
    Liberty Mutual Insurance
    Hand-out/Liberty Mutual Insurance Liberty Mutual Insurance

    This event is presented by GBH with support from the Boston Book Festival which returns to Boston this October.
  • In Person
    Camille T. Dungy is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently Trophic Cascade, which won the Colorado Book Award. She is also the author of the essay collections Soil: The Story of a Black Mother’s Garden and Guidebook to Relative Strangers: Journeys into Race, Motherhood and History, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Dungy has also edited anthologies including Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry and From the Fishouse: An Anthology of Poems that Sing, Rhyme, Resound, Syncopate, Alliterate, and Just Plain Sound Great. A 2019 Guggenheim Fellow, her honors include NEA Fellowships in poetry (2003) and prose (2018), an American Book Award, two NAACP Image Award nominations, and two Hurston/Wright Legacy Award nominations. Dungy’s poems have been published in Best American Poetry, The 100 Best African American Poems, the Pushcart Anthology, Best American Travel Writing, and over thirty other anthologies. She is University Distinguished Professor at Colorado State University.

    Cosponsored by the Boston College Poetry Days Series, American Studies Program, and English Department.
    Boston College

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“You & Julia” is a series that celebrates the legacy of Julia Child. Top chefs share their favorite stories, recipes, kitchen hacks, and other culinary tasks that they learned from the unforgettable chef, exploring how her contributions to the culinary world still resonate with cooking today. In the spirit of Julia, we encourage viewers to “be fearless, and above all have fun” by following along at home.

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