It's been a year since The Embrace was unveiled on Boston Common. While the sculpture is a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King and their fight for civil rights, the enormity of the sculpture is also a testament to the design and architectural teams behind it. It was crafted by MASS Design Group in partnership with artist Hank Willis Thomas. Jha D Amazi, a principal at MASS Design Group joins The Culture Show host and GBH News Executive Arts Editor Jared Bowen to talk about The Embrace as an undertaking and the power of memorials across the country.

From there, take a tour of the other public art dedicated to Martin Luther King Jr. that’s hiding in plain sight — from Brookline to the BU Campus. Julia Swanson, founder of the Art Walk Project, will lead the way.

Finally, feel at home with CultureHouse . The nonprofit that turns empty storefronts into community spaces has launched a new pop up in Somerville’s Union Square. Rishika Dhawan, community manager of CultureHouse, discusses the organization's process behind bringing pop-up experiences to abandoned spaces while working with the existing community.

It's all on The Culture Show — listen to the full episode above!