The latest episode of Open Studio with Jared Bowen looks at The Next Jazz Legacy , a new initiative out of Berklee College of Music that takes on gender disparity in jazz. Jared talks to the woman behind it, Grammy-award winning drummer Terri Lyne Carrington. We also meet two musicians who are among the program's first fellows: Ivanna Cuesta Gonzalez and Anastassiya Petrova.

Bowen then talks with writer Gish Jen. In novels, short stories and essays, she has long captured the characteristics and conflicts of clashing cultures. She does it again, and often with humor, in her new book of short stories, Thank You, Mr. Nixon , which opens in 1972 with Nixon’s historic visit to China and ends in current COVID times. This collection not only tells the story of an immigrant experience, family dynamics and what it means to be caught up in history, but it also tells the broader story of China and America.

Finally, we take another look at Frank Lloyd Wright houses in New Hampshire, where the exhibit is open again for another season.

Watch the latest episode of Open Studio tonight at 8:30 p.m. on GBH 2, or stream live right here on our website. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notifications of future episodes.