Local singer Radha Rao was shocked to look up from her keyboard and see John Legend in the crowd as she performed the Grammy Award winner’s hit “All Of Me” this past weekend. Rao joined Jim Braude on Greater Boston to tell the story, which she calls “complete serendipity.”
Rao plays regularly at Faneuil Hall – mostly R&B, soul pop covers, but didn’t even know Legend was in the city. “I was definitely in a state of shock. I was stunned because I couldn’t fathom the fact that he was in Boston,” she said about realizing he was watching. “It was unreal. It was hard to believe.”
When Legend came over after the song, Rao says she was starstruck. “He came over and gave me a hug and said some very encouraging words about how my voice is quite beautiful and that he was very honored that I sang ‘All of Me’ at Faneuil Hall,” she said.
WATCH: Radha Rao performs "All Of Me" on Greater Boston