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Want to be a patron of the arts but don't exactly have the cash of a de Medici? On Sunday, Aug. 26 you'll get your chance. For the relatively affordable price of $100 you can get your hands on one of 50 pieces of original art from one of 23 local artists at the Riverside Gallery in Cambridge.

It's all part of the gallery's annual 50-100-150  pop-up show . Now, the number of works and the price tag explain the 50 and the 100 in that title, so what's up with the 150? Well, that's the catch. You have just 150 minutes to peruse the goods and decide what might look best on that empty apartment wall.

The art includes painting, photography and 3D works, and it ranges from the serious to the silly. If you are worried that you aren't going to "get it," fear not. All of the artists will be there in person eager to talk with potential buyers (that's you) about their work.

And if none of the pieces strike your fancy, no sweat. You don't have to buy to have a good time. By all accounts it will be a party atmosphere at the gallery with live music and - wait for it - snacks. Yup. Snacks.

Not too shabby for a Sunday afternoon.

Here's a preview of the music you can expect to hear at the event. And, hey, this local artist is just 17 years old. 

Lola Baltzell , co-curator of 50-100-150 pop-up show at the Riverside Gallery in Cambridge 
Courtney Hadden, artist featured in the show