WGBH News’ Jared Bowen picked up his Commonwealth Award, which recognizes “exceptional achievement in the arts, humanities and sciences,” at a ceremony at the State House today.
"I'm beyond astonished and grateful to receive the Commonwealth Award," Bowen said. "The fact of the matter is I simply love my work. And I must confess this award leaves me with a measure of guilt. Our arts landscape is populated with the most staggering creators. I simply have the fortune of chronicling and even championing them."
The full list of 2013 award winners:
• Achievement: Olympia Dukakis, Lowell
• Art/Science Collaboration: The Ecotarium, Worcester
• Access: Community Access to the Arts (CATA), Great Barrington
• Creative Community: Barnstable; Shelburne Falls
• Creative Learning: The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, Amherst
• Cultural Philanthropy: Neil and Jane Pappalardo, Boston
• Leadership: Marvin Gilmore, Boston
• Media: Jared Bowen, WGBH; The Boston Phoenix
“This extraordinary group of institutions and individuals beautifully represents our state’s unique cultural fabric and tells a powerful story of the great public value of the arts, humanities, and sciences,” said Massachusetts Cultural Council Executive Director Anita Walker. “Their collective and individual achievements have contributed enormously to the quality of life in Massachusetts, and I am delighted to honor them at our Commonwealth Awards ceremony in February.”
Karl Paulnack, director of The Boston Conservatory’s music division, will deliver the ceremony’s keynote speech. The Boston Gay Men’s Chorus and dancers from OrigiNation, Inc. and the O’Shea-Chaplin Academy of Irish Dance will perform.
Past winners of the bi-annual awards include musician Yo-Yo Ma, historian David McCullough and the Peabody Essex Museum.
For More Information:
The Massacusetts Cultural Council